Museums or Historic sites with Displays on the WRRR

Listed alphabetically by state abbreviation
Latest Changes: 2011-04-30 created / 2014-05-30 update /

KY: Louisville --- Sons of the American Revolution Museum

This new museum is displaying the John Welsh collection of artifacts and documents related to French diplomacy in Europe in support of the U.S. fight for independence.
Sons of the American Revolution Website

NY: Fishkill -- Van Wyck Historical Museum

Known as the "Military nerve center of the Continental army," the Fishkill Depot was one of three major encampments along with Morristown and Valley Forge. Hallowed history happened here - hundreds of the original soldiers who fought to found our nation died and were buried in unmarked graves here.

The Van Wyck Homestead property is owned by the Fishkill Historical Society and contains the only remaining structure of the depot. The home itself was used during the Revolutionary War by General Israel Putnam as headquarters of the Fishkill Supply Depot and encampment.
For more, see Fishkill Historical Society

PA: Valley Forge --- Valley Forge National Historic Park

The traveling display created in 2006 by the W3R®-PA in conjunction with the National Park Service was on display at Independence National Historic Park for several years. It was on display until 2013 in the Valley Forge National Historic Park's museum.
Valley Forge Website It is now undergoing renovation for later display in Philadelphia.

RI: Newport --- Fort Adams

This facility has an exhibit describing the diplomatic, financial, and military aid provided by France to the United States during 1775-1783
Fort Adams Website

VA: Yorktown --- Yorktown Battlefield

Colonial National Historical Park - Yorktown Battlefield and its museum show how a classical European siege was conducted, and the gradual tightening of the siege lines until starvation or utter destruction are achieved. Her you can see the actual cannon used and the re-created defenses and siege lines.
Yorktown Battlefield Website

VA: Yorktown --- Yorktown Victory Center

The museum has a section describing French and Spanish aid in ending the American Revolution. The website notes that after the victory at Yorktown
"The decisive point of the war now revolved around the strategic goals of the three major European powers. The victory at Yorktown encouraged France to continue fighting, and neither France nor Spain was ready to make peace since they had not yet achieved their basic aims."
Yorktown Victory Center Website