Organization of the W3R®-US 

Latest edits: 2019-03-06 improve page structure / 2019-07-15 new officers / 2019-12-28 new structure graphic /2021-12-23 printable handout

The National Washington-Rochambeau
Revolutionary Route Association, Inc.

is an organization that is
  • also known as the W3R®-US.
  • a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, incorporated in the state of Delaware.
  • registered as a U.S. federal contractor.
  • a Managing Trail Partner of the National Park Service.
  • a member of the Partnership for the National Trail System (PNTS).
Our [*] Current Leadership [on main site] provides contact information for the W3R®-US and lists our current Executive Committee, Executive Director, Directors, Life Members, and Former Chairs.

Printable Handout - 2021

To communicate with our organization please use our [*] contact page