Signage in Mahwah, New Jersey

Blue dashed line is the main W3R
Green dotted line is the route of troops with Gen. Lincoln.
Base map is © 2005 DeLorme ( Street Atlas USAź

Three types of signs have been posted in Mahwah NJ along the main W3R route and along a subsidiary route that was taken by troops under Gen. Lincoln. The labels in the map above indicate the locations of the signs.

When "America's March to Yorktown" passed through Mahwah in September 2006 the marchers saw straw bundles along the route.
What did the straw bundles mean? [PDF file]

[Photos below are courtesy of Carol Greene (W3R-NJ)]

Type 1: Small Route Marker - square, with the standard W3R logo

Type 2: Medium Route Marker - same with the words for the acronym

Type 3: Large Route Marker - a larger version of the small marker

Type 4: Banner - has both the words and the dates on a banner that is stretched between two horizontal rods.