W3R-PA Activities: 2003 through 2007 

Activities: 2003 | 2005 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007

W3R-PA Activities in 2003 

2003 Feb 06: Carpenters' Hall hosted a celebration of the 225th Anniversary of the France-U.S. Treaty of Amity and Commerce, with lectures by historians John Nagy on espionage during the American Revolution and by Dr. Robert Selig on the development and fate of the France-U.S. alliance on 1778. Information on Carpenters' Hall

W3R-PA Actvities in 2004 

2004 May 13: The W3R-PA held a fund-raising dinner in Philadelphia featuring Dr. Robert Selig, historian consultant on the W3R evaluation project for the National Park Service.

Report for April 2005 to April 2006 

Since our meeting in April 2005 the W3R-PA board has continued to grow. Daniele Thomas Easton, the former Honorary French Consul joined our board as a director. Replacing her as Honorary Co-Chair of the W3R-PA is Michael Scullin, Esq., the new Honorary French Consul. Lee Patrick Anderson rejoined the board as a director.

Other new board members include:
Bruce Baky – President of the Friends of Valley Forge NHP
Eugene Hough – Member of the board of the PA Sons of the Revolution
Jean-Loup Archawski – A member of the Franco—American Chamber of Commerce
      and a retired Lt. Commander in the French Navy
Hon. Lawrence Curry – A retired history professor and member of the PA State House of Representatives
James W. Marvin, Jr. — Former Historian of the PA Sons of the Revolution
Clifton Davis – Executive Director of Sunoco Welcome America

In August, 2005 we contracted with Dr. Bob Selig to produce the W3R-PA Resource Study. In January we received his initial list of resources. We are awaiting the first draft of his final report, which is due now.

During 2005 we convinced the Superintendent of Independence Park to allow us to place a W3R display in the Independence Visitor Center around Memorial Day this year. Thanks to funds from the 225th anniversary federal legislation the National Park Service has agreed to pay $15,000 of the estimated cost of $18,000.

As most of you know we are now working on a fund raiser scheduled for September 1, 2006 -– probably at the National Constitution Center.

On Friday, September 1, 2006 a US Navy warship will arrive at Penn’s Landing to help celebrate the 225th anniversary of the U.S. Congress reviewing the French and American armies on their way to Yorktown. We have planned 2 parades on September 2nd – one in Chester and one in Philadelphia. We have invited a Congressional delegation, French military units, the 3rd U.S. Infantry and about 25 re-enactment groups to join us for the parades. We are working with a local TV station to broadcast the Philadelphia parade live. It is our hope that the publicity associated with the parade will set the stage to help us move ahead to promote the Trail.

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W3R-PA Activities in 2006 

June 30: Opening at the Independence Visitor Center (IVC) in Philadelphia of an exhibit on the W3R. This will remain here for two years and then move to Valley Forge National Historic Park.

NPS Ranger Steve Sitarski with Revolutionary uniform between flags of the U.S. and of the King of France.

September Planned 225TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS
      Sept 1: Evening Gala for W3R-PA
      (Costume or business clothes) in the ballroom of Independence Visitor Center
      Sept 2, 11 AM: Parade: Independence Hall and Washington Square [cancelled due to rain]
      Sept 2, 3 PM: Parade: Chester PA Historical District and John Morton's Grave [cancelled due to rain]

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W3R-PA Activities in 2007 (most recent first) 

January -- The W3R Research Report for Pennsylvania was approved for publication. (see 2007 May).

Spring: Article Published in the SAR Magazine

W3R-PA President Win Carroll is a member of the W3R Liaison Committee of the National Society of the sons of the American Revolution. The Spring, 2007, issue of The SAR Magazine carried his two-page
article on the 2005-7 activities and plans of the W3R-PA .

April 26: Philadelphia: Press COnference

The W3R-PA held a press conference on the site of the 1782 allied encampment to annnounce its plans for 2007-8.

Michael Scullin (Honorary French Consul in Philadelphia) speaking on April 26
at the Schuylkill Banks Park -- the site of French Army encampments in 1781 and 1782.

2007 May 8 -- W3R-PA Board Meeting

President Winchell Carroll called the meeting to order at 11 AM with Mr. Strasbaugh, Ms. Reed, and Mrs. Patten present. The minutes from April 24 were corrected and approved. The Treasurer reports no change since April.

Mr. Carroll has completed a draft of PA Grant request for $40,000 and given it to attorney Susan Garrison for her review, prior to submittal to the state agency.

He also updated the Pennsylvania section W3Rwebsite, which has a 2007 calendar of events and pictures from past events held.

US Senate bill S686 and House version HR1286 are written with Specter, Gerlach, Schartz, and Murphy signed on. Letters have been sent to Casey, Sestak, Brady, Pitts, and Platts to ask them to co-sponsor. Ms. Reed said the best way to make contact is by telephone. The W3R President Kim Burdick, has given supporting congressional testimony.

Copies of the NPS Study on W3R, a colorful book dated October, 2006 was passed around. It details alternatives for marking and preserving the trail.

Mr. Carroll attended the VFNHP commemoration of the French Alliance on May 6 and also attended the PSSDAR Conference in York, PA each on behalf of W3R-PA. He also has met with the new president of the Historical Society of PA, Ms. Kim Saget, in support of W3R.

Ms. Dennis has agreed to serve on the W3R-USA Board as the 3rd representative from PA.

Ms. Reed will formalize names and titles to be listed in Robert Selig's Resource Guide as supporters and contributors to his project.

Plans for 2007 were discussed.
--- July 15-31 225th anniversary of Washington and Rochambeau meeting
--- Sept 1-5 225th anniversary of the French army returning to Philadelphia, received by the US Congress.
--- Dec 14 University of PA gives honoree degrees to 5 French military officers
--- TBA Rededication of plaque in the court yard at City Hall
--- TBA W3R Exhibit moved to VFNHP from Independence Hall Visitors Center
--- TBA Details of W3R Parade for Philadelphia and Chester on Sept 1

Supplemental fund raising of approximately $10,000 is required to support events in 2007. Ideas discussed include French community contacts and local foundations.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15 PM. Next meeting: Tuesday, June 19th, 2007, 11:00 AM at Hopkinson House.

- - - - - - - - - Respectfully, Ann Patten -- Secretary

2007 May: Many Events

May -- Hurricane Ernesto Dampens Our Events, But Not Our Spirit! [PDF], by Win Carroll, was published in The SAR Magazine.

May 2 -- Celebration of the publication of "The Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1781-1783: An Historical and Architectural Survey", by Dr. Robert A. Selig.

At Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia PA
W3R-PA chair Win Carroll presented the first print copy of the report
to Kim Sajet, President and CEO of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

May 6 -- Commemoration of the 229th anniversary of Washington's learning of the Alliance with France in 1778. The Alliance led, ultimately, to the victory at Yorktown in 1781. At the church service of the Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge the lessons for the day were given in French. Major General Jean-Luc Delon, the Military Attache to the French Embassy in Washington, DC was the speaker.

Michael Scullin (Honorary French Consul in Philadelphia), Major General Delon, and Winchell Carroll (Chair of the W3R-PA)

2007 Dec 14 -- Washington-Rochambeau Symposium 
The W3R-PA marked the 200th anniversary if the death of Gen. Rochambeau with a symposium at the NcNeil Center for Early American Studies, on the campus of the Univ. of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. (See Events for 2007.)

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