Thursday Oct 19, 2006, at Yorktown 

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French Memorial 

Plaque listing the French general officers in the U.S. theater of war
and the army units under their commands, and -- for each unit --
the number of men enlisted and the number who died in the U.S. theater.
There were two expeditionary forces -- one under Gen./Adm. d'Estaing and one under Gen. Rochambeau aided by Adm. de Grasse
Of the roughly 31,500 sailors about 3,500 died in U.S. waters.(11%).
Of the roughly 12,700 soldiers about 1,500 died on U.S. soil. (12%).
[Photo by Ralph Nelson]

Accompanied by music from the Yorktown Fife and Drum Corps
[Photo courtesy of Marie-Therese Belmont]

French Ambassador Jean-David Levitte presented Dr. Jacques Bossiere
(chair of the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association)
with the medal indicating his election into the French Legion of Honor.
[Photo courtesy of Marie-Therese Belmont]

Dr. Jacques Bossiere, Serge Gabriel (back row), and John Welsh (as Gen. Rochambeau).
In this later photo the Legion of Honor medal is visible. [Photo courtesy of Ralph Nelson]

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Wreath-laying at the Grave of Virginia Gov. Thomas Nelson 

SAR color guards lineup for start of honoring VIrginia Gov. Thomas Nelson
[Photo by Kay Nelson]

President General Nathan White places the first wreath.
[Photo by Kay Nelson]

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225th Anniversary Yorktown Day Parade 

The parade started with the modern U.S and French flags.
[Photo by Kay Nelson]

Then came many bands and marching units, including the entire corps
of cadets of the Virginia Military Academy -- 1,500 cadets.
[Photo by Kay Nelson]

The SAR color guard carried the historic U.S and French flags
[Photo by Kay Nelson]

There were over eighty participants in the SAR color guard.
[Photos by Kay Nelson]

A 55-person French contingent included veterans and descendants of the men
who fought here in 1781. They carried their ancestor's regimental flags.
Col. Serge Gabriel (front far right) carries the flag
of the American Society of Le Souvenir Français, Inc
[Photo by Kay Nelson]

The full-route team from "America's March to Yorktown" looked rested.
[Photo by Kay Nelson]

"Pass in Review" -- Mike Fitzgerald, David Holloway, David Fagerberg, and driver Rose Morin
[Photo by Sam Powell]

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Unveiling of the DAR/NPS Sign Marking the End 
of the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route

Interpretive marker placed by the DAR and the NPS
[Photo by Ralph Nelson]

Jacques Bossiere (awarded the Legion of Honor earlier today),
Serge Gabriel (in the back), and John Welsh (as Gen. Rochambeau).
Through most of the W3R®-US's six-year existence Jacques Bossiere
has been its chair and Serge Gabriel one of its vice-chairs.
[Photo by Ralph Nelson]

The four full-route marchers of "America's March to Yorktown":
Mike Fitzgerald, Rose Morin, David Holloway, and David Fagerberg
[Photo by Kay Nelson -- WIDE PHOTO -- SHOWS FOUR PEOPLE]

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